Mood Disorders Ottawa
MDO is a registered nonprofit, volunteer-run organization
that supports people with mood disorders and their loved ones.

Keep up to date about MDO programs and activities by receiving quarterly seasonal availability notices, special event information and news on opportunities to support MDO.
Become a member of MDO to help support our programming. It is a low cost annual membership. Many of our events and programs are open to non-members; some are only open to members. Program/events will indicate "MDO members only" if membership is required.
MDO welcomes volunteers for a wide range of activities. Volunteering with MDO is an enjoyable way to make friends while making a difference in your life and the lives of others. We provide coaching and mentoring, if needed, and opportunities to develop new skills and share your experience and knowledge. The minimum requirements are kindness, respect, honesty, integrity, generosity of spirit, teamwork, compassion, and a willingness to understand people living with mood disorders and the mental health/recovery community. Have a look at the form to see how you can help out.

You can pay your membership dues
(whether you are a new or renewing member) by:
NEW! - You can now send your membership fees and donations via Interac e-Transfer by sending them to info@mooddisordersottawa.ca
Pay using the DONATE button on MDO’s homepage then choose to make a one-time donation by credit card or PayPal and in the optional message box write “membership fee”.
Cheque or money order made out to Mood Disorders Ottawa and mailed via Canada Post to:
Mood Disorders Ottawa
c/o CMHA Ottawa
311 McArthur Ave, Suite 301
Ottawa, ON
K1L 8M3