Mood Disorders Ottawa
MDO is a registered nonprofit, volunteer-run organization
that supports people with mood disorders and their loved ones.
1. Foul language, verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated.
2. We are a mutual self-help group and shall be respectful and supportive towards each other at all times.
3. Confidential information shared between members is to be kept private and should not be spoken of with others.
4. Persons behaving in an offensive or disruptive manner at any MDO event, program or group will be asked to leave.
5. No person or group is to be put down on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, language, race or religion.
6. If someone breaches the code of conduct, any member can:
- Approach the disruptive person privately
- Consult the activity/ group leader(s)
- Discreetly inform an executive board member who will decide whether the matter should be brought before the MDO executive board.
7. Any member of the executive may, at this point, call a special meeting of the executive, and a majority vote shall decide which of the following consequence shall be enacted:
- A written warning will be issued
- The member may be suspended
- The member shall be required to submit an apology in writing to the president and to appear before the executive board
to appeal for reinstatement; copies of the member?s appeal shall be circulated to all board members prior to the decisive meeting.